Ruger the Rude Dog
When Jason Stevens is given a 184 lb St Bernard for his birthday his roommates obtain fake on line certificates for Ruger as a service and a rescue dog. Jason takes him everywhere and they get kicked out of every location. When Ruger gets loose at the big soccer game and The Redding Royals loose Jason is devastated. Ruger’s help is suddenly needed to find a lost child. When Jason and Ruger arrive on Mt. Shasta Ruger gets loose. Will Jason find Ruger? Will Ruger find the lost boy? Is he the worlds worst Service Dog or is he the worlds best Rescue Dog ?
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When Diva and her baby are tricked into leaving their Rajasthani village to come to America; they are exploited by international crime and trafficking cartels.
Winner New York International Film Festival.
Roger Slagle, Devi Singh Rajput
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The Secret of Wilson Hill
When Jim finds an old journal in a barn he reads of a time when the civil war led the hearts and minds of his countrymen, a time when slaves were property, Native Americans had healing powers, and when gold was discovered and hidden. Will Jim learn the Secret of Wilson Hill ?
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When two level four inmates are assigned the same cell tensions rise and their KARMA becomes real.
Roger Slagle, Tatanna Ld. Turner (co-director)
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The Legend of Buffalo Calf Girl
in 1853 an illness sweeps through a remote valley of the American Far North as many die. Local white settlers and their families are distrustful of the local Indians as the illness takes it’s toll. When the country doctor checks a dying man, he delivers the bad news to his family that he is too sick to be saved. Meanwhile the settlers son, Luke speaks to Buck a local Mountain Man and asks him to get word to the Wasicalla Wakan to help with her healing powers.
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Up river Audio Book
A journey to Alaska without getting cold. Synopsis: Up River is about an Inupiat Eskimo family. A narrative story line as seen by Miinglu, the lead character from the age of seventeen to that of an elder. His story merges with history and personal experiences. Up River is a documentation of the Native peoples of Northwestern Alaska. Up River is about dog sledding, dog sled races and Iditarod Mushers. Up River is written with linguistic references to the Inupiat, Iwevemute, Yupic and Siberian Yupic experience and culture. A full Glossary and Chapter footnotes are available for definition. Up River presents a juxtaposition of the past and present life on Northwestern Alaska as we follow the story in two-time frames, 1934 and 1997.
Author :
Roger Slagle
Play Audio book

That’s My Girl Audio Book
That’s My Girl follows Todd Shea as he makes a life changing decision to raise his infant daughter on his own. That’s My Girl is not a book about young adults and their relationships. This work is a powerful commentary on Social Service Agencies, Family Law, and professional roles. That’s My Girl is a must read for anyone thinking about pursuing a degree in Social Work, Psychology, or Law. The fictional narrative of That’s My Girl is loaded with twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat as you follow Todd and Ashley on their journey.
Author :
Roger Slagle
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